Light Level Meter


This program creates a light level meter. It uses the light sensor on the micro:bit to detect the amount of light.

Save a reading

Create a variable, ||variables:reading||, to set to the current ||input:light level|| inside the ||loops:forever|| loop.

let reading = 0
basic.forever(function() {
    reading = input.lightLevel()

Plot the light level

Now, ||led:plot a bar graph|| of the ||variables:reading|| for the ||input:light level||. Set the limit to 255.

let reading = 0
basic.forever(function() {
    reading = input.lightLevel()
    led.plotBarGraph(reading, 255)

Adjust the light level

Go to the simulator and watch the bar graph change while you adjust the light level control.

Show the reading as number

Add the code to ||basic:show a number|| for the ||variables:reading|| value ||logic:if|| the ||input:button A is pressed||.

let reading = 0
basic.forever(function() {
    reading = input.lightLevel()
    led.plotBarGraph(reading, 255)
    if (input.buttonIsPressed(Button.A)) {

Download and try

Download the code to your micro:bit and measure the light level around you!